My faith in love can never fade!

“Forever isn’t just a myth” and I blindly trust on this, I just need someone like me to prove this right.

Vanshika Agrawal
2 min readJun 9, 2023

Nothing can shake my unwavering faith in love. It’s not so hard to prove that “forever” is more than just a phase; I just need someone who knows that I am such a compulsive over-thinker and reassurance is what all I need on every rock of the path, who knows how to love when I feel unwanted rather than freaking out because I act differently, who doesn’t run for the hills when things don’t go as we thought and is mature enough to handle them rather than wrangling over me.

Someone who knows the magnitude of handwritten notes and letters, creating a playlist for you that describes what they feel about you, dates even when there’s nothing to talk about but since your presence is what calms them down internally and externally, hugs when you are not able to keep up with the cup of thorns that life sends your way, holding hands which conveys that they are there with you and you are not confronting it alone.

Someone who understands the importance of showing geniune affection to remind you that they still need and want you, who doesn’t disrespect you during arugemets, who knows the value of being real-hearted to someone and that clear communication and mutual understanding is the key.

I just need someone who believes in eternity as much as I do.

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Vanshika Agrawal
Vanshika Agrawal

Written by Vanshika Agrawal

You read my words as a fantasy but I bet my poetries reflect me.